Referral Mania! 🦖

Introducing a fresh omni-chain referral experience all in one click

Hey Rexys, it’s definitely a good time to be in Crypto just as $BTC crosses $67k. We’re at the cusp of a crypto bull market in 2024, so kudos to you for sticking it throughout the bear market.

We’re excited to announce that we’re delivering a fresh “Referral Mania” experience for our users! You can now generate a unique omni-chain referral code across ALL chains. You no longer have to stress over tracking multiple and confusing referral codes on each chain like BNB Chain, Mantle or even Arbitrum.

We are also shipping to you a much simpler and way more attractive referral mechanism. All users will start on the same referral tier and enjoy these benefits:

“Referrers earn 10% of the referred users’ fees and referred users receive a 5% trading discount.”

We will also be launching an invite-only “Affiliate Program” with a substantial cut to fees referred to top performers of “Referral Mania” really soon 👀

Ready to start earning your referral rewards? Let’s dive in.

How to generate your own unique Referral Code

1. Generate your unique referral code ✨

2. Share your referral code with your friends

3. Invited user activates the your referral link

4. Reward distribution between inviters and invitees

You can easily access your “Reward History” of your “Referral Rebates” and “Trader Rebates” here

Anti-Sybil Mechanisms

To mitigate the risks of inorganic referrals and promote genuine user growth, we have put in place some anti-sybil mechanisms. To generate your unique referral link, you need to achieve either one of these criteria:

  1. Cumulative Trading Volume of at least $10,000
  2. Staked at least 100 KTC tokens

We also have an ongoing “$KTC Staking Fee Rebates” program.

Well there you have it, spread the good news to all your friends, and may you make the heaviest of bags in 2024

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