KTX.Finance Traders Pulse 📈

2023 Recap Edition


  • Seed Raise! This year we raised $4M in a round led by Hashed!
  • We launched on BSC on May 30th, 2023!
  • We launched on Mantle on Sep 6th, 2023!
  • We added $mETH to the KLP pool
  • Numerous partnership announcements, including Solv Protocol!
  • Did over $1.3B in total trading volume and generated $1.1M in fees!
  • Launched many competitions and campaigns with over 6 figures in rewards given!
  • Don’t miss some secret alpha at the end of this article! 👀

2023: A Year to Remember 🎆

Wow, what a year. It’s been a helluva ride and we’re only just beginning!

We’ve had market uncertainty, more chop than a karate film, and then ending out strong with more bullish sentiment than DiCaprio in the Wolf of Wall Street.

KTX has gone through numerous changes to our platform, chains we’ve deployed on, and multitudes of partnerships amongst many more milestones!

There’s a lot to cover so let’s get started on these milestones!

2023 Milestones 💎

Seed Raise

Back in July, we announced a $4M seed round led by Hashed and incubated by Bytetrades Lab along with a few other supporters!

This was put to good use as we improved our trading UI/UX and crafted an overall better experience for our users!

Chain Launches

With two separate launches, we’re doing our best to expand and take over the Perps sector on Binance Smart Chain and Mantle!

We started off with a launch on BSC on May 30, 2023!

In the time since then, we have gained a cumulative trading volume of $484M!

This has led to over $627k in fees collected for the protocol and KTC/KLP stakers on BSC!

We were also incredibly happy to have joined the esteemed Mantle Grants Program back in August as this led us to launching on Mantle in September!

This launch on Sep 6th, 2023 was a resounding success!

In that time we have accumulated over $841M in overall trading volume! Absolutely ridiculous numbers in that short time!

Naturally KTC/KLP stakers reaped huge rewards as we took in over $518K in fees in those few months!

Upgrading Our UI

Back in September, we upgraded our UI to include something to make trading more intuitive and simple for all of our traders: Complex Orders.

Complex Orders allowed users to open an order alongside a Take-Profit and Stop Loss all in one single click!

This lets you be able to bundle all aspects of your trade in one transaction which saves you time and gas money!

We also recently updated our Trading, Earn, and Analytics pages!

Trading Page

The Trading Page was designed to give traders easy access to the most important information and tools necessary. With plenty of TradingView integrated tools and our multi-chart viewing, you have everything needed to trade efficiently at your fingertips!

Earn Page

The Earn Page also got a bit of a facelift! You can access the yield comparison for staking KTC or depositing into KLP while also seeing the rewards you’ve already earned!

You can also click on the buy KLP sub page at the bottom right to see which asset you can deposit to get the lowest KLP minting fees!

This also includes if you want to sell or burn your KLP too!

KLP Fees Page

And if you’re a stats junkie, we’ve tailored our Analytics page especially for you!

We’ve aggregated our platform statistics to show everything to you at a glance, but if you wanna be chain specific, don’t worry!

The option to toggle your view for a single chain is available as well.

We do $mETH??

We were super happy to have another asset added to our KLP pool and what better asset to have than Mantle’s own LST, mETH!

You can use mETH to do a few things:

  • Earn KLP yields on top of ETH staking yields
  • Swap spot mETH with BTC, ETH, MNT with zero price slippage
  • Trade mETH/USD perp contracts with up to 100x leverage!

Not to mention Mantle Foundation is still doubling mETH’s yields with 7.2% of native ETH yield instead of the normal 3.6%!

Protocol Integrations 🤝

2023 was the year of partnerships!

We spent some time making sure we handpicked some great projects and people to integrate with and we think we succeeded!

Let’s check em out:

Solv Protocol

They are a leading decentralized, non-custodial platform for active asset management with a focus on constructing LP-centric funds to create diverse yield opportunities.

With their Delta Neutral KTX pool, KLP holders can hedge against their exposure from the underlying volatility of the KLP assets like BTC, ETH, etc.

Polyhedra Network & zkBridge

They are building the infrastructure for Web3 interoperability with efficient zero-knowledge proof protocols. Polyhedra designs and implements zkBridge, providing trustless and efficient cross-chain infrastructures for layer-1 and layer-2 interoperability.

We’ll be utilizing Polyhedra’s zkBridge to give you guys a way to bridge KTC from BSC over to Mantle!


LogX is a Perp DEX with aggregated liquidity that is live on Arbitrum, Linea and Mantle.

They can utilize our liquidity and trade routes when their users place trades!

Pyth Network

They are a leading oracle provider that publishes financial market data to multiple blockchains. Pyth’s market data is contributed by over 90 first-party data providers, including some of the biggest exchanges and market making firms in the world.

KTX.Finance has integrated with Pyth’s $BTC, $ETH and $MNT price feeds on Mantle. We are now officially #PoweredByPyth!


They are a blockchain oracle provider that builds solutions that bridge the gap between off-chain data and on-chain applications with maximum security and minimal latency.

KTX.Finance has integrated with API3’s mETH/ETH price feeds to bring a fast accurate and reliable trading experience for all our users!

As you can tell, 2023 was filled with various milestones for us! We made friends, we flourished, and we’re going into 2024 stronger now!

But we have more things to cover!

Let’s jump into the Campaigns we had this past year!

2023: Campaigns 🎊

In 2023, we offered plenty of different campaigns with rewards to users of our trading protocol and holders of our tokens.

Prizes ranged and varied but boy, were there options for you to make some guaranteed gains doing little more than what you already would be doing: trading!

But let’s get a quick recap of all the opportunities and campaigns we launched this past year!

Trading Competitions

We did 4 different trading competitions this year (3 on BSC, 1 on Mantle) with the final competition sitting at a 50K USD prize pool!

All you had to do was trade!

Points were given based on ROI, trading volume, and if you had any KTC staked.

BlindBox Rush

Guaranteed rewards was the name of the game in this campaign!

Users could get Arcade Points for # of KTC and/or KLP staked, daily trading volume, along with referrals.

Points could be traded in for Blindboxes that gave out prizes in the form of USDT, KTC, or even more Arcade Points!

This was the first iteration of campaigns in the Arcade Series so stay tuned for more!

Genesis Airdrop

This initial airdrop of KTC was done on BSC to roughly 1,183 participants to the tune of 100,000 KTC!

The criteria was very similar to the above Blindbox Rush which mostly centers around trading while staking KTC and KLP.

Mantle Moonshot Campaign

By completing certain tasks, users were able to get a mystery box for the chance to get an add-on trait for a Citizens of Mantle NFT!

This NFT (and add-ons) determined the protocol reward you’d receive!

Mantle User Onboarding Programme

This was another trading based challenge where ROI, staked KTC multiplier, and trading volume were used to calculate points.

The prize was a pool of MNT that scaled based on how many users participated!

Trade and Earn Season

This was a way for traders to earn rebates and incentive boosters from their trades!

Around 100k worth of prizes was up for grabs, with 4 epochs to get the prizes.

All you had to do was trade (and stake KTC for extra rewards) and you were able to earn USDT, KTC, MNT, and esKTC!

Quest Campaigns

We led multiple campaigns with quests for users to do so they could earn even more rewards!

This was done with the help of Zealy, Galaxy, Layer3, and QuestN.

Co-Hosted Campaigns

We also held multiple campaigns hand in hand with various protocols like Mantle, BNB Chain, Solv Protocol, FusionX, MUA DAO, Ladder Protocol, and OKX Wallet!

2024: On the Horizon 🌄

As we head off the back of an already great year into a new one, what’s there to expect?

Well, this year alone we already surpassed $1.3B in total trading volume and also $1.1M in fees generated! So to speak the obvious, our goal is to keep building on that strong foundation and do even more volume and generate even more fees for our token holders!

But that’s not all True Believers!

We have another Genesis Airdrop planned for Mantle alongside Mantle Journey in January! Stay tuned for that in order to get your share of the rewards!

There are also plans to do a V2 revamp on our KTC tokenomics so make sure you’re staying abreast of news surrounding that!

Oh, and one more thing.

The KTX Kingdom is expanding to bluer pastures.

We’ll see you there in 2024.

Happy New Year!

Connect with KTX.Finance to stay updated always!

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KTX.Finance | Decentralized Perpetual Exchange

A permissionless and decentralized spot and perpetual exchange on BNB Chain and Mantle Network. Trade and earn with the lowest fee and up to 100x leverage!